Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Chem metal specific heat lab

The purpose of this lab was to be able to find the specific heat of an unknown metal. I learned how to take the specific heat of water and the known measurements of a metal and find what that metal is.

We used the formula, q=mc(deltaT)
In order to use this formula we needed to know the heat the water gained= mass x specific heat x temp change of substance.
Using this equation I can get the jules of the substance. Once I have the jules I can then plug it into the formula J/g•c. So 1548.08J/70.81g•-56.19°c which equals -.389 which is .004 off of copper and brass making my unknown either copper or brass.

3)data table

We came up with either copper or brass. Being how they both have the same specific heat we do not know which one it is.
Weight of metal- 70.81g
Temp of room temp water- 20.4°c
Temp of heated metal + water- 80.29°c
Temp of room temp water + heated metal- 24.1°c
Temp change in water- 3.7°c
Temp change in metal: -56.19°c

Formula q=mc(deltaT). 100g•4.184(3.7°c)= 1548.08J
Next formula J/g•c. 1548.08J/70.81•-56.19=-.389

The conclusion we came up with is that it is either copper or brass. From the data collected -.389 best fits one of those two

1 comment:

  1. Danny, this font is really hard to read. Is there a decimal point in your final value?
